Coolar’s work was highlighted on the official website of Germany’s Ministry of Education and Research this month. The article covers the Coolar team’s successful completion of the EU-funded ARCTICOOL research and development project.
Throughout the project, Coolar developed and validated an innovative two-step adsorption process for the application in off-grid medical refrigerators. This new “double-lift” process proved its advantages over the previously used single-lift process – especially under hot ambient temperatures of 43°C while keeping the refrigerator at between 2 and 8°C.
With the help of this technology, Coolar and its partners aim to improve access to basic healthcare for the close to 1bn people worldwide that are still relying on clinics with no or unreliable electricity and therefore also difficulty of cooling lifesaving medicines and vaccines.
On the national level the project funding was administered by the ministry and the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. – DLR) while the funds originated from the EU’s Eureka Eurostars programme, which also supported the work by the project partner company in Denmark.
Building on the successful results of the project, Coolar and its partners are now taking steps to move the technology from prototype to production and commercialization.
The German project article of the BMBF can be found on the website of the BMBF and the German project report is published at the Technische Informationsbibliothek.